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Confusions of the Social Studies Exam

Ahh.. yes. People are just talking about how retarded and stupid the paper was. Cause they didn't learn nor study what had came out for the paper today.

Merger and Seperation.
Precisely, I nearly became one of the claimed idiots after the paper to study Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka. All thanks to Mrs Tan Tsui Fang. She isn't a bad teacher afterall. She gives clues. A mindmap about whether the merger was a success or a failure, done nicely by her and printed out, got into the hands of her students and Yes, the answer to the essay question for the day. Saying all these might make you think i studied and able to score high for it, but to tell ya, I didn't really study it at all.

It just couldn't enter my head!

My class is interesting for today, should I say everyday. I don't know about yours. As the papers were passed down the rows and even before we wrote our names on the question paper, what was everyone's first reaction to it?

Ans: Turn to the last page and check out what was tested for the essay qn. Have a good laugh and swear silently at those who told you not to study for Merger & Seperation as it had already been tested so many times or swear at yourself for being stupid enough not to study that.

And the next thing you know everyone's hands have already started moving. This paper would also make your hands ache and you find yourself flicking it a few times before continuing writing. Amirul complained of that for his Geography paper. It would be my turn soon, for my D&T paper. Stated: " I could imagine Roderick taking this Geography ". Yeah, I know I can't draw, so relax, but I can draw D&T stuff, not art. I don't know what Geography students have to draw anyway. Rivers, valleys, mountains.. I'm not a pure Geography student. And I failed my art in Sec 2 too. Don't ask me.

ManHoodJust look at how much hair is gone when I shave. Poor thing.

Yeah, and also, I didn't expect to see the sickest thing in my life hand-written on pieces of paper. It's in words, not pictures or drawings. Sick. A product from the Chicky Club. Beware that it might try to claim innocent lives. Not all the members, but only one sick guy. So sick that once you read you will have an enlightenment on who it is. SICK.

posted by Rod @ 7:10 PM,


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