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Just wanna update a lil. I need not turn up for school tmr! YAY! others will be doing their Pure Geography, Literature and Biology papers in the morning while on the other hand I'm still sleeping till the sun shines on my butt. haa. This is the first time ever happened in Education history for me. Need not turning up on a weekday during the examinations period. Sad thing though, that I have to stay back on Monday for my D&T paper while the others are back home mugging away for the paper on the next day.

I totally busted myself for the E. Maths paper today. Mind went blank, forgetting my formulas and staring at questions for a couple of minutes, and yet still no answer got into my head. Paper 2 was just crazy. All thanks to some stupid hint that Mr. V. Tan gave that the paper will be almost similar to the last year's paper. Such a cunning teacher, just can't wait to see my fail and say " Hi " to me for his remedial.

Hmmm.. Maybe I'll share an experience of mine now since I need not sleep early.

Magazines like 8 Days, Lime.. Are all mostly targeted at female teenagers and adults. Guys like me however don't get hooked up with them cause there's nth interesting inside ( to us ) and nth much catches our attention.

So I entered 7-11 to get a copy of the latest 8 Days ( tell ya why later ), and normally they will put all the magazines on this shelf. Being a normal person, I turned to the guy wearing the red shirt instead, cause I didn't see it there. Basically the reason why I specified the colour of the shirt (the other is green) is because in 7-11, different shirt colour mean different positions, as in "ranks". So I wasn't sure of whether was he the cashier or smth.

Me: Do you have a copy of the 8 Days?
Guy: Yeah, it just came yesterday.
*he takes a copy from the shelf at the behind the counter*
Me: How much is it?
Guy: $2.
Me: *thinking* HUH?

I thought he was talking Gibberrish or some other funny language. What shot through my mind was that, " A magazine for S$2? You gotta be kidding me. Am I on Gotcha or smth? "

Being a typical noob and newbie in buying magazines like this, I'm unaware of the market price of them. I've nvr bought one in my life before. Guys who are tech geeks or follow-up with tech stuff would be aware that a tech magazine can easily cost up to S$12 and above. That was why I didn't believe.

My first magazine ( tech exceptional )bought in my entire life.

Mission Impossible 3. I can't wait to watch it, including X-Men 3 : The Last Stand. ahh, that would be the last movie for X-Men. Flipping here and there, nth much but mostly advertisements. like Nokia N91 ( Ahhh.. I want N92 ). Design your own shoe contest and so on. Magazines will not be what they are without advertisements, same theory applies to teach mags as well.

Boxers even appear on advertisements. ( assorted designs, just like chocolates )

Allright, here comes the serious part now. * Drum Roll*

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It's Red Rain. It even went on 8 Days. They've been playing for 8 years and played 140 concerts last year in 21 countries. So right now I'm spreading the news of good stuff that you shouldn't miss. Tickets are free, I bet you guys will be tempted to go. Ain't it a nice way to start off your holidays by attending a concert?

posted by Rod @ 11:08 PM,


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