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I know I shouldn't be here right now.. But hey, I need a break too right?

Everyone knows it's the examinations period now. I so screwed for a few papers. One or two only, I hope. I asked around, and I realised that I was the only one who wrote about 2 and a half pages of answers for Geography Elective today.

I shall not listen to Mrs Yeo anymore, stupid advice. People who did that paper should know that the question on industry was so much easier than the agriculture one, for at least the first part of each question..

I could have assured my first 3 marks in the paper by naming the other factors for the industry question if I studied that rather than writing my ass of for the agriculture question, having to describe the trend which I'm sure that I won't be able to get that full 3 marks. Ain't that great? Teachers who give stupid advice which misled us. I got to blame myself too, for being naive enough to actually believe.

Stress from studying, so I ended up getting into a fight with Faizzah like everyday, fighting over that fan which was and still is, next to us. Fighting over the speed of it and where to blow. I know it's kind of lame but, fun though. Amalina would be suffering behind.

Faizzah also mentioned that I was like sniffing during the exam. Look, I'm down with flu all right? Ha, I myself find it irritating also. When I wake up in the morning, everything's fine, but when I enter the hall for the exam it starts again. I've liked used more than 3 packets of tissue so far?

My mum gave me that lame tissue packets just because I said I wanted to bring some to the examination hall because of my illness. One is Bugs Bunny and I forgot the other. There are not only 2 of these, I have like 3, 4 more in my bag. I would be like the Tissue Paper Man for the next few days. Even Tania asked me for a one when hers ran out.

Putting that aside, studying did really got me thinking. Not the future, but surprisingly, the past.
Most of you all know my past in lower sec was just a big size kid, who wasn't matured enough to understand some things and got myself into stupid situations. But heck, here I am now, doing well and fine.

However, there were also fond memories about the past..

Those were the dumb times where I would get sort of bullied by people sitting around me.. They, you know, "helped" me decorate my table-top, write and draw stuff on my correction tape cover and refill..

If you can't picture and imagine how traumatised I was, I'll show you.

Time has passed and yeah, I missed those times. I wished I had my stuff drawn and written by them again. Just recently, Lynette helped me decorate my calculator. She's an artist, she drew my name so nice that I wished that there's a shop somewhere in Singapore which could help me to a laser-print so that the exact drawing would be on my mp3 player, calculater and best of all, on my computer. So personalised right?

Not only that, I had greetings from it also.

Yeah, you get what I mean? It was someone's idea to write that so that when it's time for me to change my refill, I would open the cover and see this greeting. Not bad right?

However, my mind doesn't pick up things that way because of the past trauma I had, whenever someone borrows my correction tape and uses it for quite some while, with a marker in hand..

I know what they're doing.

posted by Rod @ 2:40 PM,


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