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The Future's Gonna Be Amazing!

All Ushers say Amen!

This is the ministry where I serve with all my heart and soul. I'm proud to be an usher. Haha.

Usher gathering today is totally awesome. There have already been plans for the future, how great the usher ministry will be; what would it be like, going up to levels after levels, in the future.

Ushers are not just people who are in black, formal attire. We are also spiritual people. Haha.

What do you think of this picture? Pretty right? I'm glad to say that she's the one who made that step and allow a chance for me to change to who I am today. Haha. It's no surprise that I stayed. It's all planned out by God.

Preparations for the 50th Anniversary Dinner is really pissing me off, with all the long hours. Yeah, I know the time that we spent for that can't be compared to other CCAs or programmes who really spend a lot of time on it. Guess what? My presentation time slot will only be 1 and a half hours. Around there.

And it would be non-stop repetition of what the project is all about, how we arrived to the idea, yadadada..

Yeah, over and over again.

I just hope that SM Goh will come. At least that makes the time spent on it worth while.

Well, not making us happy, but making the P & VP happy.

One thing has really come into my mind.

Our generation, the girls I'm refering to, THEY CAN COOK.

They can bake cookies, cakes, cook a main course meal. Guys, don't you think we're fortunate?

Imagining coming home from a stressful day of work, and all you want to have is a good meal with your family and have a good night's rest. You arrive home, and you sit down at the dining table. The food's still steaming hot, that they would blur your glasses immediately. And then when you start eating, you know that you're blessed with a great wife who loves you.

Sometimes, I have to admit that women are great.

posted by Rod @ 10:06 PM,


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