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Thinking deep

Sometimes in life, you just can't help it but think. Not just on the surface, thinking shallow, but it justs goes deeper and deeper as you think.

You find yourself in that situation unknowingly. You sit there at your seat, sipping your drink (tea, coffee, bubble tea?) doing your hmw, or since now it's the holidays, you're playing on the computer.

After getting sick of it, you've got nth else to do. You accidentally fall into the situation, and you start to think.

What would your future be like? How well are you going to do in the future? Would you do or not do well in your studies that might force you to take certain routes that the minority would take?

If you were to notice, most of the questions you would ask are normally of the future. Okay, if you're shortsighted, how about what's going to happen tomorrow?

And then you ponder about all these things, not taking action. Not doing anything that would help change the events of what might happen the next day or the future, you're just waiting for it to come to you. How are you going to do well in life if you don't start working on it now?

You might not think about all these things yet. You all into another realm, still thinking, but about different things. You think about what has happened in your life so far, you reflect. Today, I was just reminded of how I was like in the past, I was so ashamed of myself. Totally a loser. Haha.

You continue thinking and thinking, great and happy memories, how amazing your life is going to be in the next few years or even for eternity.. Then you realise that something's not right, something's bad going to take place. Somehow it's something that you can't do about it, all you can do is to sit there and cry, weep about it and hope for a change in it.

The whole point is, where are you in life now and in the current situation that you're in, how are you going to change it for the better to suit your preference? Some things are not going to suit you in anyway, but how are you going to twist and turn it in a way that it will be? With the very simple fact that the life that you have is yours, do something about it!

I'm not talking about getting rich, striking lottery and all those. Materialistic is not the way.

One thing I really have to say about tarot cards: It is stupid, dangerous to the way you think and you just shouldn't try it.

No matter how true your life has been predicted by a pack of cards with pictures printed on it, and a pack of it sold at around $20, thinking about it. In your mind, you keep thinking how true is it. And somehow a sequence of events takes place will seem to you that it's coming true. In your mind again, you're in awe of it and what happens next?

You will deliberately make it happen. Why? Since you're so sure that you're predicted future's so true, you might as well make it true right?

And you find it tempting, you wanna know more. You go back to it again. The best part of it is, you just sold your life for S$20.

This is what happens in the human realm, and I'm very sure that something is happening in the spiritual realm. You don't want to know.

That is why tarot cards is a pack of ordinary cards with dumb pictures printed on both sides, sold for $20. You're looking down on your life because it's worth $20.

Are you going to be smiling when you think?
Or are you going to be depressed when you think?

It's all up to you on how you want to do it. Do it well. =)

posted by Rod @ 7:29 PM,


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