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A cup of tea and a book to read. Looks like western culture. Budget one though, people will do that in Coffee Bean, Starbucks.. I do that at home, in my study room.

I'm not hooked on to a book titled: Driven by Eternity.

Christians should read this book. You will grow to another level of understanding of Christianity. You will be inspired to serve God. You will be on fire after reading it. 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion.

I had a rough week and yeah, thanks to the people out there who cheered me up and so on.

I rather not talk about it; One lousy thing led to another lousy one, pulled my mood down and I ended up feeling lousy.

"Sadness and Roderick don't go together", From Amalina.

Feeling down sometimes do help actually. Sometimes all you need is people to kick you in the head, and everything seems clear to you suddenly. Sometimes, all you need is people to push you from behind, propel you and kick you forward, that's when you're back on track.

P.S: Thanks to my beloved twin and Kawaii Lynette for your notes!


posted by Rod @ 11:30 PM,


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