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I just realised how fun it is to find fault with the world, but not from a Christian's perspective but more from a sensible, worldly person.

Some people might think that I'm trying to be holy and show off my Christian faith on how holy we are, but seriously, give it a good thought. I didn't even add in any Godly stuff when I was attacking clubs. However, it's always best to have the Light shone in your life. You will know how to make right decisions then. Haha.

So what shall attack on of the world tonight? Kind of exciting doing this, cause there are many things to choose from but the disappointing part is that I will get stoned if I pick on the wrong one and offend people.

Let's try something less sensitive. How about drinking?

" For men over the age of 40 and post menopausal women who drink one or two units per day, alcohol can lower the risk of heart disease and certain kinds of stroke. It seems to do this by reducing the risk of blood clots. "

" Alcohol is a drug. Its immediate effect is to alter mood. Because drinking makes people feel relaxed, happy and even euphoric, many find it surprising to learn that alcohol is in fact a depressant drug. Because of this it switches off, or dulls, the part of the brain that controls judgement, leading to a loss of inhibitions. "

" Alcohol also affects physical co-ordination. The more drinks you have the greater the effect - speech becomes slurred, vision blurred, balance is lost and movements are clumsy. Heavy drinking will depress all bodily functions, so drinking very large quantities can result in unconsciousness, coma, or even death. Vomiting while unconscious or in a heavy sleep can cause death by asphyxiation. "

[This is according to a website on facts of drinking.]

If you actually bothered to take note of every single line and actually start to worry, then you know that it's time for you to take care of your health cause apparently you drink. Non-drinkers wouldn't care because they don't drink in the first place.

So what if it has health benefits? Just imagine yourself vomiting when you don't even know it. That's super disgusting, and you can actually die in your sleep, just because you consumed alcohol. What's the point? You die over trying to prevent yourself from getting a heart disease, what a great way to live your life. Haha.

If you know to control and limit yourself to the amount you're taking in, then I've got nothing much to say but you still know that's it's wrong. But what if you fall deeper and deeper, and you get addicted and you can't even get out? Your body and brain is no longer listening to that you want to do, you've lost your judgment skills already. Dead end, bro.

People of our age now, actually do know how to mix their own drinks with high alcoholic content. Why don't you spend more time studying or doing something more productive rather than going on to the net and research on how to mix drinks? I won't have a say if you tell me you'll be taking part in a Bartender's competition.

You can do much better than that, you can do something good from that. Come on, learn juggling wine bottles instead of pouring wine out of it. Show the world that you can do something productive from the things that ruin the world.

Since you love calculating so much, and having such a great talent in remembering how much of each type of drink should you pour in and mix, why don't you become a teacher who teaches maths or become an engineer? Work in the IR as an accountant. There's always something good that you can do.

Learn to tweak situations to be at your advantage. Good and positive advantage.

At the end of the day, it's basically your decision of how you want your life to be like, I can't be there when you start drinking and switch your beer to chrysanthemum tea, switch your wine with Lipton tea without your knowledge because you have turn muddle-headed from all the drinking you had. Get what I'm trying to say?

Britney Spears checked herself into a rehabilitation centre. I'm not going to make and poke fun about that. She's a baby herself too. At least she sought help, but for stubborn people like her it won't work.

That's all I have to say about the world today. See how fallen this world is now?

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posted by Rod @ 11:17 PM,


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