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Always been here.

It's been quite a while since I last post, I'm not people like Amirul who updates his blog on a regular basis and and the same time come out with posts that has substance. Different life schedules I guess. People have different deadlines to meet and goals to achieve.

Many of the regular bloggers have already celebrated their 500th posts and beyond, that doesn't apply me for though. I still have a long way to go, despite blogging for 2 years already. What does that say about me? I'm still not a full-time committed blogger.

Still, just start off this post with a funny local picture spotted by Mr Brown:

Wah, not bad ah. They can read the papers upside down. Haha. That shows how dumb advertisements can be at times. Even though you have put the message across to the people, you must also make sure it's realistic too.

Sometimes it irritates me when bloggers strip materials out from another blogger's website and then post it as their own. I mean, I give credit to whom I got the pictures etc. from. There's like no honesty and you're just enjoying someone else's glory and honour when you do that. It's really irritating. This is just something purely random: my thoughts.


Sorry guys, the pictures are still not up yet. Give me some time to edit them before sending the pictures to you all. Haha, today's really a great day.

Great day in school, great night pigging out with my fellow classmates at Seoul Garden. Haha, really had my fill eating that buffet. Haha, food was good but still can be improved. I can't expect much out of it also, it's not like as though it's a Five-Star restaurant, but it serves like almost anything you would love to eat under the sun. Almost. Haha, don't wanna give you high hopes.

Great day in school: It's not about the National Day celebrations, all that was fun only at the last part where people started standing up to sing National Day songs and everyone started getting hyped up. I'm sure that the elderly were bored, cause like they probably didn't understand a single word that was said during the event. Everyone spoke in English, sang in English and cheered in English.

What I'm refering to are personal thoughts. Pastor Sy Rogers shared on the last session of his seminar that he went many places that were awful; drugs, prostitution and he started asking God, " Where are you? Where are you in the midst of all these? "

He got the answer every time he asked that and God would always reveal to Him that He has always been around, in the midst of the fallen people and moving among them.

I got my answer today.

Although I'm not allowed to reveal or else I will get skinned alive, Haha, but still..

I'm guilty of having thoughts and this place would just be like the other schools, having people with bad influence and then students being affected by the pop culture of this world and their actions would sometimes lead to their own suffering of consequences. No matter how head you can try to turn that around, all of us are students and our age doesn't matter much; No one's going to listen to you anyway. Why would any teenager listen to you when now they don't even listen to the adults? What makes you think you have capacity to influence compared to today's pop culture? I can try my best to influence those around me with positive and morally correct ways, there's only a handful.

Where's God when all these mess is going on and they don't seem to change or improve for the better?

He has always been here.

He has already planned and sent out His people into the world.

I'm just the younger generation to realise that another generation before me has always been doing the Work of God which they have been sent to do.

I realise that all thanks to a simple decision to stay longer for a while. This " a little while more " of time, had become a personal revelation of mine.

I no longer question like before, I got my answer today.

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posted by Rod @ 11:55 PM,


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