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I seriously cannot live without Photoshop. Haha, with all the pixel editing, brightness and contrast all the tools really make a simple insignificant picture come to life and makes it look nicer than before.

No matter how lousy your camera is, there is still a way to get a good picture across. That's the power promised by Photoshop. Haha.

Prelims are gonna end in 2 days time for me, with people like Amirul laughing at me for being suay cause my last paper is on Wednesday afternoon, a day after you guys will go home and throw a silent party, watching TV from the time you reach home till the time that you sleep, or in some cases most of you won't sleep cause you will have like 3 days off the week, including the marking days.

D&T is a great subject with shitloads of content to memorise and study. Although it's much more straightforward and easier to understand than Geog, you can try remembering the properties of materials which you have never seen before in your life and being treated like a memory bank, just like a computer which does tasks for the user but never understands what the user is doing.

Only the D&T people within ourselves are able to sympathise with each other cause we are the ones who truly understand what all of us are all going through together.

Prior to Amirul's party, the road along OCH is well known for being haunted and many accidents happened along that stretch of road. Haha, just kidding. There's nothing to be afraid of lah. On one hand, it's fun, but on the other hand, risk shall not be taken.

MW said that it's a bonus to be able to see something, what do you think? Haha.


posted by Rod @ 10:35 PM,


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