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A New Meaning

These are some of the dumb but cute things that we do during the Primary School days. This was the new version of Pokemon game, our own created version. See how creative we were back then?

*The handwriting isn't mine. My friend and I created it and all his job was to write down everything. I created and the map, gym leaders and everything all in my head. Haha.

I haven't been updating for a number of days due to my increasing commitment in church and yeah, I don't have the time. Which is a good thing though; I'm spending my time more productively, by having the heart of a servant.

Many people were amazed and shocked by my decision of joining choir for SOW. Haha. Actually, I didn't imagine myself being there until God showed me the way. We gotta go where God wants us to, right?

It is important for Christians to know their calling.

In regard to your calling:

you will not be judged according to what you did,
but rather according to what you were called to do.
[quoted from Driven by Eternity]

Let me give you an example. At the Judgment Seat, Jesus my say something like this, "Evangelist Anderson, please step forward and give an account of all the souls I called you to lead to Me."

That man my come before Jesus a bit confused and trembling, saying, "Sir, You mean accountant Anderson; right? I was an accountant with my own firm. This was my occupation. I set up many churches and non-profit organisations. Those ministries influenced many souls into Your kingdom. Do you have mistaken for someone else?"

The Master may reply, " No, I called you before you were born to win multitudes in Asia to Me; give me an account of where they are. If you had obeyed Me, you would have been rewarded greatly for all the fruit you have harvested for My Kingdom. Now as a result, your works will be burned up, as they were not in obedience to Me."

Bottom line

Are you fulfilling your destiny?

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posted by Rod @ 5:34 PM,

Sniff Sniff

Being sick when you have just embarked on the most tiring week you will ever go through since the start of the year isn't a fun thing to experience.

All the people just happily tick their names in their class list and sign up for the Computer Quiz and now I have to edit all the questions, on the other hand, dying. What must you all join this dumb thing? Can't you just make my life easy and at least make Computer Club shameful you know. Pon the quiz. I'll be glad to.

Now I've got to spend unnecessary time in editing the questions, sacrificing my sleeping time. Why must you all evil people do this to me? Why?

I just might be unconscious and sleepy when taking my medicine and take the wrong one. I will go, Eenie, Minie, Meenie, Moe and consume one. Just kidding.

Just a little short update will do. My head is feeling so heavy that I want to sleep but I can't breathe.


posted by Rod @ 11:45 PM,


I just realised how fun it is to find fault with the world, but not from a Christian's perspective but more from a sensible, worldly person.

Some people might think that I'm trying to be holy and show off my Christian faith on how holy we are, but seriously, give it a good thought. I didn't even add in any Godly stuff when I was attacking clubs. However, it's always best to have the Light shone in your life. You will know how to make right decisions then. Haha.

So what shall attack on of the world tonight? Kind of exciting doing this, cause there are many things to choose from but the disappointing part is that I will get stoned if I pick on the wrong one and offend people.

Let's try something less sensitive. How about drinking?

" For men over the age of 40 and post menopausal women who drink one or two units per day, alcohol can lower the risk of heart disease and certain kinds of stroke. It seems to do this by reducing the risk of blood clots. "

" Alcohol is a drug. Its immediate effect is to alter mood. Because drinking makes people feel relaxed, happy and even euphoric, many find it surprising to learn that alcohol is in fact a depressant drug. Because of this it switches off, or dulls, the part of the brain that controls judgement, leading to a loss of inhibitions. "

" Alcohol also affects physical co-ordination. The more drinks you have the greater the effect - speech becomes slurred, vision blurred, balance is lost and movements are clumsy. Heavy drinking will depress all bodily functions, so drinking very large quantities can result in unconsciousness, coma, or even death. Vomiting while unconscious or in a heavy sleep can cause death by asphyxiation. "

[This is according to a website on facts of drinking.]

If you actually bothered to take note of every single line and actually start to worry, then you know that it's time for you to take care of your health cause apparently you drink. Non-drinkers wouldn't care because they don't drink in the first place.

So what if it has health benefits? Just imagine yourself vomiting when you don't even know it. That's super disgusting, and you can actually die in your sleep, just because you consumed alcohol. What's the point? You die over trying to prevent yourself from getting a heart disease, what a great way to live your life. Haha.

If you know to control and limit yourself to the amount you're taking in, then I've got nothing much to say but you still know that's it's wrong. But what if you fall deeper and deeper, and you get addicted and you can't even get out? Your body and brain is no longer listening to that you want to do, you've lost your judgment skills already. Dead end, bro.

People of our age now, actually do know how to mix their own drinks with high alcoholic content. Why don't you spend more time studying or doing something more productive rather than going on to the net and research on how to mix drinks? I won't have a say if you tell me you'll be taking part in a Bartender's competition.

You can do much better than that, you can do something good from that. Come on, learn juggling wine bottles instead of pouring wine out of it. Show the world that you can do something productive from the things that ruin the world.

Since you love calculating so much, and having such a great talent in remembering how much of each type of drink should you pour in and mix, why don't you become a teacher who teaches maths or become an engineer? Work in the IR as an accountant. There's always something good that you can do.

Learn to tweak situations to be at your advantage. Good and positive advantage.

At the end of the day, it's basically your decision of how you want your life to be like, I can't be there when you start drinking and switch your beer to chrysanthemum tea, switch your wine with Lipton tea without your knowledge because you have turn muddle-headed from all the drinking you had. Get what I'm trying to say?

Britney Spears checked herself into a rehabilitation centre. I'm not going to make and poke fun about that. She's a baby herself too. At least she sought help, but for stubborn people like her it won't work.

That's all I have to say about the world today. See how fallen this world is now?

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posted by Rod @ 11:17 PM,


I just had the weirdest dream in my whole life. I didn't know that by taking an afternoon nap could do something that powerful in someone's dream. This was what I dreamt about:

My parents each got a clone, and I was very upset cause, I mean, cloning is wrong in the first place. Cloning is creating a life which doesn't meant to exist, it isn't God's intent and you're just whopping out a life by unnatural means.

And one of the dumbest parts was that my mum got a clone just because of a in-grown toe nail. Now the best part, Pastor How come to my house and expressed his disappointment with my parents because they got a clone and sort of discipled them. Haha. I long wanted this to happen, now it did, but it's in my dream.

Family outings, and I ended up going out with the clones instead of my real parents. Everything was kind of messed up so I can't really remember everything. The dream ended with me being connected with God and God just taught me things. It's a weird dream with a great ending. Haha. Dreaming of God teaching you, moulding you. Wow.

Amos 3:12
As a shepherd takes from the mouth of a lion
Two legs or a piece of an ear,
So shall the children of Israel be taken out
Who dwell in Samaria—
In the corner of a bed and on the edge of a couch!

I was just flipping through my notes and something came to my attention. It's the Shepard's Heart.

Now what is happening is that the Shepard's sheep is being attacked by the lion He is trying to save the sheep, no matter how badly injured the sheep is.

If this situation applies to us now, we have two choices.
1. Walk away
2. Decide to do something

For some people, it's just an instinct, either to go up and savage what there is left or just walk away.

People of the world would say, you know, if it's too tough then why don't you just walk away? You don't want to hurt yourself, just walk away and you'll be fine. Why put yourself through all the torture and trouble, just walk away.

I'll make a stand right now, even though when the going gets though and the easiest thing is to walk away, but I will hang on; cause that's when God comes.

If it's in your heart, you're going there whether there is a road or not.

Sometimes I just take a real good look at this world, how things are really advancing. You may not agree with me now, but when you grow older, you will realise that pubs and nightclubs will be the in thing, and yes, you will visit these places just to have some fun and enjoy yourself.

Now that's in the in-thing, but must you really follow it? People think that going there is cool and I can tell you that it's stupid. Songs of the modern pop culture and getting more stupid and the best part is that they don't make any sense. Majority don't, minority do.

The best part is, you dance around to these dumb songs, which make you even dumber.

In the movie Rocky Balboa, there's this line, " Ice is stupid. People on ice are more stupid ".

I can tell you mine, " Clubs are dumb. People in clubs are dumber. "

I'm not saying that you can't go, but don't come back and start crying when your life starts getting messed up all because you visited clubs.

I keep thinking, shows on television always portray women going to clubs, then they would sit down with their clique and have drinks. Then, they would suddenly take notice of this handsome and suave guy right across the bar. They have eye contact, a greeting and then they guy would get the bartender to deliver a drink to lady he took notice of and the drink's a treat.

And then from there, it actually sparked off a romance. Or should I say, it's a fling?

That's one dumb scene because after a few days both of the parties would realise what they did was a mistake as they have been under the influence of alcohol. You know how it is, alcohol affects your ability of judgment. This ends and then both parties would go through the same cycle all over again.

Clubs like Ministry of Sound, the name tells you and gives you an impression that they play good music there. It's obvious that they don't, watching enough shows will tell you that they play dumb music like techno. You know what, techno music shouldn't exist in the first place. It basically means destroying a good song.

See, you don't even have to go to a club to know how dumb it is. Sometimes all you need is to think. Come on people, THINK.

Something wacky.

You know how it is, when people express their love for someone else they would always use heart shapes to express that? Why don't you try something new and fun?

Stand out among the crowd, do something that no one has done before.

How about giving this to your girlfriend on Valentine's Day next year?

You will seriously get a slap and a break-up. No kidding.

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posted by Rod @ 7:44 PM,

Small world

Basically here I am, 3 plus in the morning updating because I can't sleep.

Now I find myself turning to Friendster to keep me company when I'm on the laptop and basically it has now become my search engine: For people.

And sometimes Singapore can be so small, reduced to the number of clicks on your mouse, and tada, you find some unexpected people. It could be that person directly, or someone else who knows that person.

Lady Luck is with me now. Guess who I found?

Haha. Mr Jackson, no way you're running away from the hands of Roddy Doddy. Well, most people will not know him except for 4C's D&T students or staff like Miss Seah, Mr Tan or Mr Koh. Well, basically the D&T Department.

Just a little more introduction, he's they guy who mentored us for the whole of last year's IPW for D&T and he guided us to success of winning 3rd prize for this small competition held to compare the other school's ideas with ours. Yeah, and from that we won like $10 Popular voucher each and I used it to get my coloured pens which I use every Geography Elective and D&T lesson.

Haha. You get surprises in life once in a while. You see, that's the great thing about Singapore. I can find anybody I want. It's just a matter of how long I need to take.

By the way, he's the god-brother of the girl in the picture. Haha. Well, according to the girl herself; she stated so. What's more, she called him corny. He shouldn't be keeping the beard already, the last time I saw him he shaved it.

Well, till then Mr Jackson.


posted by Rod @ 3:02 AM,


Having a sense of insecurity in life, it's inevitable.

Unless you have something, perhaps a belief or whatever you call it, which keeps your faith strong and thus you would be unshaken. However, majority of the people in the world will always feel a sense of insecurity, at least once.

And to you out there, you're basically feeling insecure. Or else you wouldn't have did what you have done so and I really hope that you're regretting it right now.

If you can't handle your sense of insecurity now, you'll never be able to handle it in later parts in your life and the stake will always be higher, and you will lose even more important things.

Recklessness, also pushes people too far and beyond, the line which have to be drawn. A line of which shows you how far you can go doing it. You went too far this time. Get your facts right and if you don't know anything, then don't do anything.

That's what I have to say, to you. All the best for the both of you.

People have been coming to me and commenting on what I have said about in my previous post, and I wasn't reckless or out of my mind while doing that. I was so sober that I know what I was typing.

Friends ain't the No. 1 in my life, it's God who is No. 1 in my life. As the same thing goes, I can and will sacrifice my time for friends just to spend time with God and go all out for Him for I have received my High Calling.

Ignite Youth Conference is a blast, even though it's only the first night and I believe there's more great things on its way.

Sessions on tomorrow and the day after, here I come!

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posted by Rod @ 11:50 PM,


I shall start off by showing you a picture of two great friends, more of like sisters. Haha. English Paper 3, Oral. Picture interpretation. What can you say about them? Haha.

I haven't been updating because I don't have the time to and since it's the last week before the so called " One week break but still go back school " week. Yeah, all the work starts pilling up and you have to clear your debts of what you owe and pay it all clean before leaving.

Now I have to go back to school because I owe the teachers one English test. Wow. My whole Monday has just been booked, just like that.

It has brought me to this point, which I really have to spit it all out. I have to get what I want and have to say all out. I don't care if Mr Lee reads this or whoever reads this, I want and I will put my point across.

Being a Student Leader, being a Chairman of some club in the school, what greatness or goodness do you see in that? Apart from all the glory of having your picture being pinned up on the board, which I don't really care about that. I don't give a crap about all the glory.

Computer Quiz on the Games Carnival Day.. Now I can't join soccer just because I have to be involved in the quiz. Can't I just have some fun with my class since it's the last year we're going to be together? And yet you insisted that I have to be there. Seriously, I don't really care about the quiz at all, I don't even have basic loyalty to the club at all.

Now, tell me, what is that? Can't I even have some fun during my last year in TK? Is that too much to ask for? Is it?

Having fun with friends and that the class will bond even more, but compromising CCA at the same time... I seriously don't mind. What can CCA do for you in the future? Is it able to make up for the lost time with friends, is it going to bring the friendships closer and to a higher level? I don't think so..

Being a Chairman of Computer Club isn't going to help me in my life. Even if I enter the Infocomm line when I enter the workforce, that ain't going to help either. Who cares whether you're the Chairman when all they care is whether you have the knowledge or not?

Between friends or CCA, it's obvious. Friends come first. You can hate me or love for my decision. Do whatever you gotta do, I ain't going to change my mind. (:

I know you're not my fairytale.
Dreams that were meant for sleeping and wishes on a star,
just don't come true..

Cause now even I can tell,
that I confused my feelings with the truth.
Cause I like the view,
when there was Me & You.


posted by Rod @ 7:41 PM,

It's Rocky

Rocky Balboa: Yo, don't I got some rights?

Boxing Commissioner: What rights do you think you're referring to?
Rocky Balboa: Rights, like in that official piece of paper they wrote down the street there?

Boxing Commissioner: That's the Bill of Rights.

Rocky Balboa: Yeah, yeah. Bill of Rights. Don't it say something about going after what makes you happy?

Boxing Commissioner: No, that's the pursuit of happiness. But what's your point?

Rocky Balboa: My point is I'm pursuing something and nobody looks too happy about it.

Boxing Commissioner: But... we're just looking out for your interests.

Rocky Balboa: I appreciate that, but maybe you're looking out for your interests just a little bit more. I mean you shouldn't be asking people to come down here and pay the freight on something they paid, it still ain't good enough, I mean you think that's right?

I mean maybe you're doing your job but why you gotta stop me from doing mine? Cause if you're willing to go through all the battling you got to go through to get where you want to get, who's got the right to stop you? I mean maybe some of you guys got something you never finished, something you really want to do, something you never said to someone, something... and you're told no, even after you paid your dues?

Who's got the right to tell you that, who? Nobody! It's your right to listen to your gut, it ain't nobody's right to say no after you earned the right to be where you want to be and do what you want to do!... You know, the older I get the more things I gotta leave behind, that's life. The only thing I'm asking you guys to leave on the table... is what's right.

This is just an appetizer of what the movie Rocky Balboa is like. It's a movie full of lessons about life and when you watched the whole movie, you will feel a sense of satisfaction in your heart, that wow, you'll be glad that you actually watched this instead of some other movie like comedies.

How about another one?

Rocky Balboa: Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.

You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done.

Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!

This is what I call, a great movie..


posted by Rod @ 1:31 AM,
