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True Meaning of Emo


posted by Rod @ 1:51 AM,


In the midst of studying for Mid-years, I have to take a break from all the notes, all the black ink, all the formulae and equations.

I'm not slacking for your information.

My sister came back from an OBS camp today, not the one at Pulau Ubin but at East Coast instead. She didn't have any outdoor activities cause of the rain for the past few days but she brought back more stuff that I did.

Check this out:

They came back with a photo and a sticker.

And a notebook with the OBS design on the cover.

It's sort of unfortunate for the people like us who went too early. In actual fact, they came out with more stuff instead of just the T-shirt right after our time, for those who went. Shirts with nicer designs and material similar to that of a jersey. OBS pencil cases, OBS badges, and all I have is two white T-shirts with the logo of OBS on the right-hand corner and two photos of the group I was in for memory sake.

Pastor Lia's birthday celebration was a couple of days back and many people were asking me where I managed to get hold of a photo of Pastor Lia for the design that I made for the card.

Just to let you guys know, I got it from the photographer Eric: Website

People from church would definitely know Eric cause he's one of the photographers in church and you would normally see him around during service or events and he's always doing what he does best: Photography.

From all the pictures that he takes, you can feel the anointing; He's an anointed photographer and God gave him this gift and allowed him to step into his destiny and bring glory to His name.

After looking at the pictures that he took, I related to myself and I thought, wasn't this once a dream and passion of mine? What happened to the camera I had and once thought that I would use it as well for his glory?

People saw me as an amateur photographer who lugs around his DSLR camera hoping to take good shots of his surroundings but sometimes producing results which any normal person walking on the street could take using a normal idiot-proof and compact camera. I have the equipment, but I lack sufficient knowledge to put my equipment to full use and taking total advantage over it.

If you were to notice, at the top right hand corner of my blog there's a tab which suppose to link to my photoblog, which I don't have one yet even if I have one I do not have enough resources to make sure it goes well cause I don't have the time to maintain one.

After browsing through Eric's own photoblog, it lifts me to a higher level. People, wait for the results. I'm ready to deliver.

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posted by Rod @ 10:28 PM,

Weight on the mind

Mid-Year starts tomorrow and I haven't been really studying very hard. Past few days for me have been those days where your head will feel so heavy in the night and you can't help but lie on your bed for a while. The next thing you realise, it's already the next morning. You have incomplete homework, you didn't check your e-mails and stuff like that.

Staying back everyday is really demanding on our brain and that's why you feel sleepy in the night. This feeling can't be helped. What to do? Unless you drink Red Bull and the stimulants in it charges you and makes you feel awake. Too much of that ain't good for your health though.

I didn't come online or anything for the past few days, except to check e-mails and and calender. Daily habit. It's a great habit in fact.

I stumbled upon Mr Brown's blog just now. I don't really call it stumbling because I visit his website for updates on his podcasts. I don't use iTunes so I have to manually check instead. He posted this picture about Lenovo's laptop, which seems to be the most expensive laptop in the whole world and the price of that could get you a Ferrari in Singapore. No kidding.

Check this out:

See the price stated there? It's not an edited photo. You can log on to Lenovo's website and check out the price. I really hope that it's a typo error. I mean, almost $200,000 for a laptop. You can buy one of the poshest car in Singapore, why spend it on the laptop?

If the laptop can do anything for kitchen chores to washing your clothes, I don't mind spending that kind of money, that's if I have it.

To everybody out there, good luck for your MYEs. :)


posted by Rod @ 6:38 PM,

I give Him praise

Sidney Mohede's concert was a blast and I've found myself reaching another level in Praise and Worship. 2 and a half hours is nothing man, still remember the overnight prayer meeting? Haha. That had seriously helped me a lot in my stamina, not in running, but in praising and worshiping Him.

If you were to realise, I didn't blog for almost a week. Games Carnival, church commitments, all these kept me from the computer for quite a while. Well, not forgetting studies of course. Mid-year's in about a week's time, so here comes the chiong-ing season for all of us.

Nonetheless, I didn't regret going for the.. Wait. I won't call it a concert actually, it's more of my personal time with God, that in the midst of all the studying and the stress that I'm receiving from my peers and family members, I spent time with God.

Many people have spoken to me in school and they showed concern about my studies, which is all great and I thank you guys for that. However great your concern may be, I have to say that you don't understand and know me well enough yet. But anyway, thanks sincerely.

Salvation is the best decision you can ever make in your life. Serving in church, doing God's work is the best commitment you can ever have.

People might think that I don't have the brains to think properly, and all that I'm doing now isn't right. Every single one of us has the right to believe in whatever they believe in. I don't live by the standards of people in the world has set, I live by standards which God has set.

Lifting up my life to God and letting Him take control is the best decision that I've ever made; Salvation. You can say that I'm just a person who got influenced by church, neglected my studies in the progress and won't do well in life in the future.

Trust me, you will see the result in years time. You will be amazed with it. We all know who will do better. No hard feelings for this post. I'm just trying to put across that church didn't force me to do all that I'm doing now. When you become a Christian, you will then understand why.

Something I got impacted by what Sidney Mohede said earlier on: God has changed his life significantly, he got into drugs and all and now he's a Pastor in a church of 4000 youths.

A prayer which he prays everyday, " God, make me a better man than the day before. "

I'm going to do the same too from now onwards.

On a lighter note, Congrats to all 4C people who contributed to the games in way or another, may it be playing for the class or cheering for the class. Thanks to all of you!

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posted by Rod @ 9:46 PM,

He died for me

Easter' 07 will be one of the most significant days of this year.

This is the day which my Lord, God, sent His Son to die on the cross for me. Jesus is my Saviour. He bore all the pain and humiliation on the Cross, and His blood washed away all my sins in my life. I was redeemed at a very high price, and never will my faith in God falter or sway.

The Word of God has changed my life significantly; It has changed me from the inside out. The Word of God is the source of my strength. The Word of God teaches me about love, life and about leadership. If you're looking for a book to read, you need not think further. Read the bible, and you will have your life changed without knowing it.

The pain that my Saviour went through, the nails that were plunged into Him, I can just imagine the pain. He was crucified on the Cross in order to redeem Man from their sins. I don't think anyone living on Planet Earth at this present time, would be willing to lay down his/her life for me?

I don't think so.

However, Jesus did.

Jesus did, for every single one of us.


posted by Rod @ 9:34 PM,

Tearing; Moving on

I just came back from Mr. Jackson's wake and first of all I would like to thank Yong Jie for going there with me and yeah, I felt that our friendship has grown stronger.

Secondly, I would like to thank Yvette. I'm not sure if you would be reading this, but I would still want to thank you publicly here. The loss that we suffered can't be compared to yours, but you still went around comforting people who were tearing and after that short conversation with you, I really felt better. You handled yourself really well.

I want to let you know that if there's anything that you need, help or anything, just approach us and we'll be glad to do so. I have to say that it's Mr. Jackson fortune that he had god-sister like you. Thank you so much.

After seeing Mr. Jackson for the last time today, I felt calm and hey, I'm not going to cry again. I've cried enough over it. I've brooded enough over it. I guess it's time that we do something about it.

To Mr Jackson: The A1 that I'm going to score, I'm going to do it with you in my mind. I will always remember your mentoring and the skills you have taught us, and I'm going to use it well in the exam. I'm not going to let you just leave in vain, I'm not going to let you just leave like that.

Although I did not get the chance to tell you how much we appreciate you and we didn't even get the chance to thank you, the memories of the times you had spent together with the class will always be remembered in our hearts. I swear upon this.

God has brought me this far in life, and I went through hard times and obstacles again and again, and I'm still not going to fall. I am weak, alone; but with Him I am made strong.

2 Corinthians 4:9
Persecuted, but not forsaken; Struck down, but not destroyed.

I might be struck down, but I'm not destroyed. I've gotta put down this weight and continuing running the race.

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posted by Rod @ 11:15 PM,


This post will go all out to people who knew Mr Jackson Kong.

I really don't know what to say. I'm starting to tear now as I'm typing this.

Life is really unpredictable isn't it? One moment you're in contact with someone, you're talking to that person, and.. After some time, everything's gone just like that. Everything went just like the wind.

It's only less than a month I blogged about Mr. Jackson, about how delighted I was to be able to find him on Friendster. Thinking, heyy, there is a way to contact him even though I don't have his number.

I still don't have his number, and I don't think I need it already. Cause even if I call, no one would pick up. He wouldn't pick up.

Mr Jackson's so nice, to that extent that even his smile could brighten up someone's mood. The model drawings that he drew, showed it all about him; He had the talent and he's even an Art teacher. He was given the talent which not many has, to be able to express his thoughts through drawings and sketches.

He was then taken away, taken away from this world, the great life that he was leading.

I can still picture the times which he taught us, the drawings that he drew for us, the teachings that he gave us and the laughter that we had together as a class. All these happened like as though it was just only yesterday.

I wished it would happen again. I wish.

The dead can't be brought back to life. Things happen, it can't be helped.

Mr. Jackson, I will and I mean it, remember you for life. It has been great to know you and if I'm given a wish, I would wish that you will be brought back to our side again.

Now I know that you're in God's arms and embrace, I feel relieved and glad that you're in Heaven. God has His own reasons for calling out to you to His side and I'm sure that I'm going to see you again.

God bless your soul.

With all heart and love,


posted by Rod @ 11:24 PM,


What a week which I went through and at the end of it I found out more about myself: the Bad points that I have to change.

Although it's kind of inconvenient to state what they were here, but I would like to say that I'm feeling incredibly guilty about it and they were all pointed out to me. It was really a mean and bad thing to do and yeah, I didn't know what happened to myself then.

Where did my love for people go? Where's the Shepard's Heart which I talked about wanting to have it? I'm glad that I know my mistakes and change it on the spot now.

On the lighter note, I got punk'd by a great friend of mine. April Fool's Day on a weekend this year but I didn't expect myself getting falling for her trick.

Haha. Jing Yi, that was really a nice one. You totally got me. Haha.

I won't elaborate on what she did. People who are interested to know, you may ask her. Things are more interesting this way. Haha.

To all the people out there, Happy April Fool's Day!


posted by Rod @ 8:42 PM,
