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Whee, 2GB of RAM thanks to Sitex for offering me such a great deal. Haha.

I'm like having a monster laptop, although now most laptops come with 2GB RAM, I fixed mine myself. So with relation to laptops bought a year ago, mine is considered a monster laptop already. Haha.

It's so much cheaper when you DIY, so thanks to Sitex for bringing in dealers which sell computer parts. But still I have to say, Sim Lim Square is so much better. You get deals that you don't normally get from IT Fairs.

Hurray to DIY!


posted by Rod @ 7:32 PM,

Looking back

My mum's so eager to chase me out of my study room till she started packing my stuff for me, taking the initiative to throw all my books and worksheets into boxes which she brought home from office and now my room is messier than before, actually.

It is again one of those times where you would stumble upon old stuff, probably years back and you have forgotten about it already. Now it comes back and it's fresh in your memory, your mind once again.

I once wrote a poem for Create '05, the very same year I got saved, or rather 2 months after I got saved and during that time, I was writing my own poems, wasn't at Shakespeare's level then, but amateur poems which you normally don't send it for competitions cause you know you have no chance of winning.

So here it goes:

There's You In My Heart

My life was once in darkness,
I didn't know what love was.
My body was in complete weakness,
My mind and soul weren't working as one.

My life stayed the same until one day,
A voice spoke into my heart;
"Walk with me and I'll show you the light."
I asked myself "Is it some magic?"
No, because it was Him.

God, Your love has touched my heart,
You sent Jesus to die for us.
I'm washed clean of my sins by His blood,
And made righteous with His sacrifice.

He gave me hope to live on,
If not for Him I would have disappeared; gone.
When I'm down and fallen into darkness,
It was He who sent His angels to guide me along.

On the day I accepted Him into my life,
I pledged eternal loyalty.
Walking with Him forever in faith,
With the word "Jesus" on my heart engraved.

Although my poem I would say wasn't very well written, the words at the back don't rhyme and so on, so Lit students please do not criticise my work. Can't expect much from me then.

Nevertheless, I expressed out what I was feeling then.

Sometimes people would think that Christians that they've met, Oh, they live their lives in such utmost righteousness, they don't smoke, they don't commit adultery, they don't murder, and some of them to even stay pure and holy, do not drink. Christians they've met are able to think out their lives properly, living a life of organization but not of mess.

I have people telling me, Rod, you're really a great guy, despite of worldly influences you managed to stay strong in your faith and not compromising on your convictions. I'm not being boastful here but I would say, thank you for your compliment.

But really, is it me who made me who I am today? It is me who made myself able to think maturely, planning my life properly and being righteous at the same time, despite living in a fallen world? Is it really me who made me who I am today?

Well, no. Definitely not. All these is only made possible because I have a God whose ways and thoughts are not mine, but higher.

I typed this post earlier on around 5 plus and I found myself being unable to type what I want to express, and I turned to the Word of God, I turned towards more of revelations, more about Him. After so, I finally managed to express my thoughts easier.

In Search Of A Purpose.

Many people wonder how devoted Christians are able to lead our lives to the fullest, no matter how busy we are, how tied down we are, we will always attend church services on weekends, go to church on weekdays also to offer our help to our Ministries and at the same time lead our lives in school, in work and still progress in life.

The resolution of an identity crisis is common to all human beings. We all struggle time and to determine, “Who am I?”, “Why am I?”

There is who we think we are. There is who we want people to think we are, but then there is who we really are. God knows who we really are. People do crazy things because they’re trying to discover who they are. People smoke, people drink, people drive themselves to doing weird and crazy stuff cause on the inside, they have yet to really know who they are, they haven't found themselves yet.

It's out of your identity comes your sense of value, your sense of worth.

Low self-esteem exists when you don’t value who you are. And if you don’t, you tend to want to be someone else. And that someone you want to be may not be who you think they are. The younger generations, people whom we call Ah Lians and so on, they dress like their friends or pop stars because they want to be like them, they don't have self-esteem.

People will never value you the way God does. Because the value that people place on you tends to be emotionally-driven. Think back, do you remember those times when you quarrel with your best friend and the next thing you know, the whole friendship crumbles right in before your eyes. The term "best friend" doesn't apply in reality in this sense. Why? Because the value which people place on you tends to be emotionally-driven.

We make a terrible mistake when we try to draw our self-esteem, our self-worth from other people.

However, the only one whom can give you a consistent sense of value and worth is God.

The beginning of the resolution of an identity crisis is to discover your value to your Heavenly Father.

People tell me, " I don't believe what you said just now, about Jesus being the only way to Heaven". It's really okay you know, cause I didn't say it, God said it.

If you mess up your life, your value in God doesn’t change because God’s graciousness never falters. But if you mess up your life with people, your value changes, it can drop.

The bible says, “That all things were created through Him, and for Him.” Therefore if you want to know your value and your purpose in your life, you can only do so with your association with Him. Apart from Him, you cannot appreciate your purpose.

All these are practical yet spiritual advice. You want to know your purpose in life, who you are and why are you living on earth, go to God and He'll give you an answer which satisfy your question about your life. Again, I didn't say this, God said it; It's all in the bible.


posted by Rod @ 9:10 PM,


In an attempt to style my hair in a way that I regain my center parting, something which I do not have since the age of 6, the result will look like this.

She told me, "I like your previous hairstyle during primary school".
I replied, "It was like growing an evergreen!"
She replied with laughter, "More like everblack"

She asked me while having dinner, "Is this the hairstyle which you're going to have while in Poly?"
I replied, "Yes!" Immediately, no questions asked.

God made me with an unique face structure which looks nice only with flat-top.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

Amen. Haha.


posted by Rod @ 11:30 PM,


I've received my Poly enrollment letter already, which actually I should have earlier but I was in camp and all so I opened the letter box much letter than the sent date.

I will have to go for a check-up, X-ray and all that nonsense to clarify that I'm medically fit to study the course and I really think all these are really unnecessary, for me cause like, I have to spend extra money just to go for a check-up and I also have to pay S$150 for the 8 weeks of orientation course.

The thought of school next year just really makes me go Sian. So so so so sian. It's not like I regret making a decision to go to Poly now, but it's like, new environment and all, I don't know if I can adapt quick, fast and at the same time be able to progress.

The thought of doing project work makes me go sian. It really depends on who you make friends who and you are in your clique which decides your ultimate fate: Results. Make lousy friends on the first day of school and you end up doing project work with them, you are literally dead in advance. You might as well commit suicide cause you won't live well for the next 3 years.

The thought of going through normal Singaporean life just makes me go sian. My parents told me about their plans that they have for my life, going through Poly for 3 years, go through Army, work for a year and then send me overseas for further studies. Once I get my degree, I'll be back in Singapore to pursue a job. This is something which almost all Singaporeans do; go through the education system, work, have a family, work to provide for the family, retire and then wait for death.

It's so "the way it always has been" till you're pretty much sick of it even when you have no experienced it.

Despite all these, I love my Life. I love it more than anything else!

After having a meeting with Pastor Lia really inspired to love my life even more. Even though this is just the month of November in the year 2007, Pastor Lia is already looking forward to '08, how exciting it would be and how powerful Heart Of God Church would be when the first batch of people go full time in Ministry. There are going to be more Charlestons, more Garretts, more Dominics running around in church.

It's really exciting to know that Ny Gen will be launched in Singapore next year, (I actually know the exact date cause I had a peek at the order of service). Haha, I'm really thankful to God for putting me in such a powerful and great church; We're already planning events taking place next year when the month of December has yet to come.

This is how serious we are about the Work of God, this is how serious we are when we say we want to take the younger generations and impacting people from all generations and all walks of life. This is exactly how serious we are.

It's really a joy to be part of a move of God


posted by Rod @ 10:53 PM,


I don't know how I should be feeling right now.

Sometimes you stumble across things which you absolutely don't wanna see, or rather you have no intention of seeing it, and now it gets stuck in my head. Trying to push it out the sea of thoughts in my mind right now, making me having a headache due to the lack of sleep from class chalet.

Maybe it's just making the wrong judgments, making the wrong decisions on how I should feel about it when you have a headache and yet you can't help it but keeping dwelling on it. Every one has their own private space and I have no rights to judge or feel anything in the first place.

Crap, sleep is really important.

But I have to say that that night was the only night which I managed to become hyper the next morning despite totally not sleeping at all. But the truth is, when you pay later, you always pay more. I have learned my lesson to sleep next time especially when you have intensive stuff the next day.

I nearly wanted to fall asleep on the sound console. Crap.

Apart from just being all random, class chalet was great, as usual every single time except that many couldn't come or had to leave early, with people like Gary coming only for a few hours and had to leave for his flight for Beijing. Haha, have fun eating your Peking Duck there, Gary.

I didn't really take much photos this time, something which is of surprise cause maybe circumstances didn't really offer me the opportunities to whip out my camera whenever I felt like snapping photos and that explains the few snaps.

As I'm typing this post right now, some of them are still at Downtown enjoying their beauty sleep for which they had been deprived of last night.

B & C Zone camp is gonna start in about 10 hours time, with relation to this post in terms of time and I have yet to pack my stuff yet.

So alright, cobwebs shall grow on this webpage for 3 days and I won't probably update about the camp cause there would be so much stuff happening.


posted by Rod @ 12:15 AM,

Level Up

Haha, I just came back from supper with the ex C5 people and we literally had a great time talking to each other. Haha, although some of us has been transferred to other CGs and we no longer talk to each other as much as the past, to the extend of like every day, you can just feel the culture, the things that we talk about, its all there.

Things that we talked about, jokes to serious stuff like VBS, I'm totally in awe of what happened tonight.

It's like, the culture is already there. The Presence of the Lord can be easily manifested when the culture is there, when the people speaks with faith, life and godly things. I can just feel the Presence of the Lord there, even though it's just supper and we're fellowshipping, it's neither a prayer meeting or a gathering. It's just something as simple as fellowshipping, eating supper and the Lord was there with us.

I used to yearn for things like that in the past, you know, when your parents control you too much, control your activities with your friends and when the moment comes, you go straight into it with a bang you just don't care about the consequences and so on.

All these have taught me one thing: I've grown. I've grown throughout my walk with God.

Being in Ops has put me in a position that I totally humble myself, and I will not boast about what I know. Basically, every single person in the Ops office has their own strength and weakness and their own area of specialty. I seek advice from Melvin when it comes to matters of Lights, and I seek help from people like Wei Chao about sound. The thing is this, when you humble yourself before Him, you will stand to gain a lot.

After all, it's Him who gave me this talent to be a person who works best with hands-on. It's Him who gave me the ability to pick up things fast just by the power of observation. Even though Wei Chao is like a year younger than me, yes, I humbled myself and learned from him, because I know that there are things which he knows and I doesn't, that's what make him a great sound crew as he is today.

Being in Ops has taught me to think more maturely than I used to, to be more straightforward. Working with people like Brother Sky, Brother Jon and Wei Hao, who have been with the church since it's very beginning, there's just so much to learn from them, so much things that I can partake from them from every single assignment they give me. The thought of the Christian maturity that they have just pushes you to up yourself by levels.

Haha, some of you might take it as I'm just killing my time by helping out in church, see what I can contribute to and just kill my time. Haha, all these that I've just said are just small little things which I have learned since the very day I went back on Ministry.

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

I just love the way how Ops people work. Wei Hao had this verse written on a post it and he pasted on the monitor of his desktop. And as I stumbled upon it, I was amazed.

I was really considering and thinking about what Ops meant to me and if I was really meant to serve in Ops. A high price to pay: Most of time will be spent in church, loss of time with friends, loss of personal time and so on.

1 Corinthians 15:58 was my answer.

My labor is not in vain in the Lord.



posted by Rod @ 3:00 AM,

The Night, After

Prom Night Photos

Haha, yeah, here are the photos and I've uploaded into my Multiply site, there wasn't much of a group photo but rather individuals so I decided not the mass send but rather allow you guys to choose what you want, according to your preference and that you may download them at your own will.

I might update this space for sneak previews of the available photos, at least to spice up the space that I have here, cause my blog has been rather the same, stagnant for quite along in terms of it's appearance, did nothing much to change it.

Now that the night's over, the night is basically about the pictures really. Who gives a crap about the food, other than complaining that the food sucks, which is true actually. Photos taken were basically the main thing for the night.

DM said one thing rather controversial, " Ah, now hair check. Those who never dye their hair go dye now ". What a remark, that's so not the DM whom we know in school, the person whom everyone tries to SIAM every single time, if not walk fast so that she doesn't see your ankle socks, your short skirt, shirt being tucked out... ... ...

I do not want to leave TK with regrets; When you were in Lower Sec, there was just so much time, but you didn't do much. When you were in Upper Sec, there was just so many things to be done, but yet not enough time.

I do not want to leave TK without telling the people I love, about how much I treasure them in my life and do not want to let them go, but seriously, almost everyone will take their own paths in life. I'm going the Poly route and quite a number of people around me are taking the JC route. You'll be busy studying your subjects while I would be busy with my Project Work.

You wake early to go to school every single weekday, while I would only be attending school based on the lecturer's schedule.

You will stick to shirt and long pants, while me sticking to T-shirt and jeans.

There's absolutely nothing we can do about it, I can't make you follow me and neither can you.

There's just so many things that I'm trying real hard to hang, cling on to them now, fearing that the moment I lose grip, it will be lost forever. Have you ever had that kind of fear?

You will make new friends and so will I. Will you even remember me by that time? Will you reply my sms despite not establishing contact with each other for months?

You see that insecurity, that fear, that helplessness, for things will take place whether you like it or not. In life, don't hate the player, hate the game; For the players are only playing by the rules of the game.

The night soon fell upon me,
as I laid down on bed and think.
You're the greatest thing that could ever happen to me.
I thank God for thee.

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posted by Rod @ 2:55 AM,


This is what happens when your mouth confesses the wrong doctrines.

You pretty much will make a fool of yourself and get owned by Christians who know the real Word of God.

Guard your mouth. Say with me, guard your mouth.

Total ownage.


posted by Rod @ 2:48 PM,


My calender has never been this filled before. Haha, I had lots of fun inputting all the schedule details that I've received and tadah!

This is my season of increase. This is the season to accelerate. This is the season of growth.


posted by Rod @ 6:00 PM,


I have finally experienced what my big brother, Mong, had experienced before.

We all went through it, on a happy note, for the same cause.

I literally spent the whole night outside, getting locked out of the house just because my mum refuse to accept that fact that Os has already ended for me and she's unhappy seeing my enjoying myself so much. Out of anger, the door was latched.

You may ask why, why am I willing to go through all these when it can be simply avoided, just by listening to my mum and stay at home and rot, instead of doing something productive in Ministry?

I just love being on Sound. Sound Ministry is what my life is about. I am a grown person of the age of 16, going on to 17 and I know exactly what I'm doing with my life. I don't need an adult who has never experience what the youth generation is experiencing now when they were in their teens.

I don't need to hear sentences that start with, " When I was your age... "

That's bullshit cause they were and can never be at our age.

I'm serious about Ministry and when I'm serious, I don't give a shit about the price that I have to pay.

On a lighter note, it's pretty fun actually. Besides hearing stories from Mong of his past experiences, I did an own adventure of my own. You know, just to kill time cause I had like 8 hours to kill before I could get home.

Let's see, what did I do?

I ate at Mcs, there's one near my house and stayed there till about 5:30 am. Couldn't leave earlier cause it was raining like crap outside. You see, when you sacrifice your time and energy for God, He takes good care of you. He makes sure that you get your food and your shelter. You never have to worry about necessities. Ate both my supper and breakfast there and hence forth, I set out on my journey, to the East.

I took bus 60 to Bedok Interchange, and then transferred to bus 69, which terminates at Tampines Interchange. I actually walked throughout the whole interchange hoping to find a bus which brings me to the furthest place I could get, but of course with transport back home. Rochor Toa Payoh, nah, too far. I took MRT instead, to Pasir Ris and finally, a long ride home on 21.

Haha, how much did I spend on that? 45c only. It's great to have bus concessions in times like this. Tap and it goes, " Have a nice day! "

That's all I can say for now. No, wait.

I had the first touch of the iPhone. It was right in my hands. Ahh, but the touch screen keypad still sucks though. Wah lao, your fingers must be damn thin to damn a message fast. Qwerty keyboard still works best.


posted by Rod @ 8:32 AM,


Week 1
22nd November 2007 : A Maths P1
23rd October 2007 : A Maths P2
24th October 2007 : Chemistry
25th October 2007 : Geog Elect.

Week 2
29th October : English, E Maths P1
30th October : E Maths P2
2nd November : Physics

Week 3
5th November 2007 : Social Studies
6th November 2007 : Science MCQ, D&T


Back on Ministry! Fun! Camps! Chalet!


posted by Rod @ 1:30 PM,
